Patricia Ryan @ Living Health Center


NW Integrative Health Expert: Breaks Pain/Inflammation Cycles Using Nutrition, Massage, Reflexology & Medical Thermography-No Radiation

Nutrition, MFT, Zyto Scan: “Realize - Your Body Was Designed To Heal Itself. “

  • Feel trapped: Eat same foods every day? Confused on what supplement to take or how much?

  • Cannot lose weight? Lost your energy?

  • Pain: Found lump, bump, have unexplained pain?, Inflammation: have indigestion, burp, pass gas…bloated?

  • Stated on Blood chemistry lab reports “normal”, but you don’t feel good. Removed gallbladder and you don’t feel good.

  • Take medications, but still have symptoms?


Breast Health Screening - Thermography No Radiation No Contact, Have Pain, Inflammation? - See Your Results

Safe, Comfortable, No Compression Of Tissue, Can Use With Dense Breasts & Implants, Helps Identify Around 95% Of Early Stage Cancer In A Multi-model Approach, Well Researched For More Than 30 Years (More Than 800 Peer Reviewed Studies).


Reflexology; Auricular (Ears); Meridian Therapy

Improve physical symptoms; Get relief from chronic pain; Reduce stress; Induce relaxation; Sleep better; Enhance circulation; Affect every organ and physiological system: immune, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestion, skeletal, muscular, and lymphatic.




  • Benefits - for your life time (Physical, Mental, Emotional)

  • IntraOral license endorsement -helps forward head posture and dental work - mouth opening

  • Breast Cancer Massage. Lymphatic and Myofascial Expert

  • Change your pain and inflammation

  • Relax and melt into the table

  • Enjoy your “Me” time

  • Schedule several ahead - don’t want to be put on the waiting list

  • You decide how much time you need and book it

  • Buy gift certificates and packages they are available


Let’s Connect
